
Same Day Emergency Appointment Usually Available

For Dental Emergency, call us on (03) 5441 6447 for immediate attention or complete the web form below.

Bendigo Smiles Dentist Team | Dentist Bendigo In every dental emergency, it’s crucial to stay calm and focus on how to stop the bleeding or pain. As soon as an emergency occurs, it is necessary to seek professional care immediately.

Bendigo Smiles is your trusted emergency dentist in Bendigo offering same day emergency appointment for your convenience. Our office is open five days a week to serve you.

We treat almost any types of dental emergencies and, using our comfortable and gentle approach, provide immediate relief to help you become pain-free again.

Our Dental Emergency Services

If you have any of the following emergencies, call your Bendigo emergency dentist as soon as possible. One of our dentists can give you advice over the phone on how to manage the situation effectively:

  • Children’s dental emergencies
  • Knocked-out teeth
  • Toothache or dental pain
  • Soft tissue injuries in the mouth
  • Dental abscess
  • Broken dentures
  • Lost tooth fillings or crown

Reliable Dental Emergency Response at Bendigo Smiles

When you make an appointment in our Bendigo clinic, our doctor or dental assistant may ask you some questions over the phone about the injury you or your child has sustained. This allows your dentist to best prepare for your visit and provide sufficient time for your treatment.

Your Trusted Emergency Dentist in Bendigo

Bendigo Smiles provides families in Bendigo with instant, effective relief from dental emergencies.

We offer general care and urgent care for families and patients of every age. Our clinic offers safe pain-free methods to promote comfort and relaxation during procedures. Our team prioritise your needs and overall experience, whether it’s a simple visit or an emergency situation.

Dental Emergency: Same Day Emergency Appointment Usually Available!

Call us on (03) 5441 6447 or book your appointment online today.

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Bendigo Smiles Dentist


78 Arnold Street, Bendigo, VIC 3550

Phone number:

(03) 5441 6447



Clinic Hours:

Monday – 5
Tuesday – 5
Wednesday – 5
Thursday – 5
Friday – 3
Saturday – 2
Sunday Closed

Find Us

78 Arnold Street, Bendigo, VIC 3550

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